It is the policy of CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED to ensure a safe system of work for all our employees and Third parties. See the attached HSE Policy. Hence the company shall ensure: -
That every necessary step shall be taken to safeguard all personnel who work for us including third parties.
That positive attitude to safety shall be rewarded and negative ones frowned upon, to carry out its business activities that are devoid of fatalities, serious injuries or damage to properties. In order to ensure an enviable performance, the following strategies will be adopted:
Minimization of accident losses.
Continuous identification of causes of accidents.
Evaluation of the causes of accidents.
It is the policy of CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED to vigorously pursue a healthy working condition. Hence we are to protect the health of our employees and third parties from all hazards associated with our daily operations, ensuring that:-
All workers to be employed into CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED shall be certified medically fit by a qualified doctor prior to engagement. We shall provide adequate first aid box on site manned by a qualified First Aider.
Adequate quantity of good portable drinking water shall be provided on site.
We shall provide Medevac facilities such as (standby vehicles) on site in the event of emergency.
We shall maintain a Retainership Clinic for our entire work force in a nearby town within the area of our project.
Seat belts protect the lives of drivers and front seat passengers. Having recognized that, the company has made it part of its policy that:
Seat belt is installed in all its project vehicles and private cars.
It is mandatory all passengers use seat belt while in such vehicles.
If a distance is too short for seat belts to be used, then walk.
The environmental policy statement of the company revolves around the achievement of improved living conditions. The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of work, in accordance with the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) Decree 1988.
Physical factors in the environment that influence health at work such as lightning, ventilation, humidity, and effects of extreme temperature will be observed to suit working conditions. Efforts will be concentrated towards minimization of dust, noise, fumes and related wastes during the course of work. It is expected of every employee to possess healthy and environmentally accepted conditions both at work and home.
Waste generated during our operations shall be segregated and properly disposed to various designated dump sites or client approved waste disposable areas.
Minimize generation of waste streams as low as reasonably practicable.
Segregate waste streams at source using different designated colored bins.
Seek third party users of generated waste streams.
Manage and dispose waste streams in line with statutory requirement and in environmentally acceptable manner.
Use waste consignment notes to track the management movement and disposal of waste streams.
Keep adequate records of waste streams being managed.
Provide adequate and standard transport equipment to ensure efficient and accident - free journey management system.
Give the highest priority to the maintenance of transport equipment.
Ensure adequate communication and monitoring devices are installed in transport equipment.
Engage only qualified and competent personnel to manned land transport equipment.
Not engage in night journey.
Comply with relevant legislation and regulations.
Promptly and effectively respond to any emergency, that endangers the health and safety of personnel, and the environment, company's assets, or operations.
Provide organization, facilities, procedures, and training in order to ensure effective response at all times.
Liaise with clients and host communities.
Carry out regular exercises/drills to ascertain the effectiveness of the response procedure by the workers.
CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED shall conduct its business with a high level of sensitivity to drug peddling and its abuse. The abuse of drugs and alcohol impairs performance at work and can be a serious threat to safety, environment, health and productivity.
The company wishes to ensure that all employees recognize this threat and aims at countering its effect by minimizing the risks involved to achieve this, the following policy will apply:
Employees who are dependent upon alcohol or drugs are encouraged to seek medical advice, and to follow appropriate treatment promptly. A high level of dependence leads to termination on the person involved.
It is strictly prohibited for any employee to be at work whilst impaired by, or not fit for work as a result of drugs or alcohol consumption.
The illicit use, possession, distribution or sales of illegal drugs on company business or work location is strictly prohibited.
In pursuing this policy, the company will continue to respect the rights of individuals, and will minimize intrusion into their private lives. It must be realized that the company as a good employer: has established in-house rules to keep law and order within the enterprise for the safety of persons, properties and the environment.
A community affair entails showing regard to the community around the project area in which we are to carry out our operations. It is the policy of CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED, that:
Prior to any job execution, communities in such areas would always be consulted through their designated CLO.
In the community forum, the benefits of the project will be elucidated and would be in conformity with Client specification for community engagement during the project.
Be sensitive to the needs and concerns of host communities.
Consider host community during employment to develop skills on various fields of engagement.
Recognize and maintain constant dialogue with all segments in the host community in order to foster cordial relationship.
Work in partnership with host community on community development project(s).
Suspend any activity that is identified hazardous, possess potential risk, unsafe, unhealthy or has adverse environmental implication to the community until better solutions are found.
All boat/vessels used in our operations are expected to stop sailing as from 6.00 pm. – 6.00 am. At night quartermasters are advised to berth at nearest jetty to pass the night where such transportation medium is obtainable in our operations or project.
It's the policy of CAAST CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED to ensure adequate security to life and property at all operational sites and locations. Hence the company shall abide with client security system and as a complimentary measure, provide additional security to ensure safety of its personnel, third parties, material, and equipment on site.
Adequate security assessment are and shall continue to be conducted on weekly basis in all our operational site and locations in order to ascertain the security and to make appropriate corrections where necessary, should any lapses be identified from such routine assessment. The security measures of the company ensure that all facilities where employees and third parties work and reside have sound security plan.
The Company upholds security information dissemination to all our employees both in offices and logistic base stations.
Improved security awareness of both company’s employees and third party associated with our operations.
The company properties will be given minimum security.
The company's employees will be provided with identity cards and workers will be briefed regularly on current security risk.